Stanford University Recital Workshop
Samantha Rose Williams will be having a residency at Stanford University to put on a workshop surrounding American Patriots: The Recital.
More information to come regarding details and tickets!
Samantha Rose Williams will be having a residency at Stanford University to put on a workshop surrounding American Patriots: The Recital.
More information to come regarding details and tickets!
Join us in Salina, Kansas for your first glimpse at the staging and immersive design of the production. We’re incredibly grateful to our partnership with the Salina Symphony Orchestra for the opportunity to hold our workshop in their fabulous new Black Box Theatre.
Join us in Salina, Kansas for your first glimpse at the staging and immersive design of the production. We’re incredibly grateful to our partnership with the Salina Symphony Orchestra for the opportunity to hold our workshop in their fabulous new Black Box Theatre.
Join us in Portland, Oregon in partnership with Renegade Opera - our workshop will focus on the musical elements of the show and be a chance for our three singers and 8 instrumentalists to work together.
Join us in Portland, Oregon in partnership with Renegade Opera - our workshop will focus on the musical elements of the show and be a chance for our three singers and 8 instrumentalists to work together.
Samantha Rose Williams will be in residence at the University of Michigan and putting on a workshop for American Culture 498.
Samantha Rose WIlliams will be in residence at the University of Michigan and in collaboration with EXCEL Lab, will be putting on a workshop about American Patriots and creating Art for Social Change for BA Forum.